Salisbury University students on campus

Get Involved

Student Accountability & Community Standards invites students, faculty, and staff to serve on the Community Hearing Board. Students familiar with the student accountability process are encouraged to apply.

What is the Community Hearing Board? 

The Community Hearing Board is a group of students, faculty, and staff trained to hear student accountability cases and facilitate student learning through the student accountability process. Consistent to our commitment to fairness in the student accountability process, we provide an opportunity for students who are accused of violating the Student Code of Community Standards to provide their perspective on the incident before a decision is made. The role of the Community Hearing Board is to consider all information available to determine whether a violation has occurred and, if so, recommend appropriate sanctions.

Why should I consider serving in the Community Hearing Board? 

While membership is voluntary and unpaid, there are many benefits to serving on the Community Hearing Board:

  • You will have an opportunity to make a difference at SU by upholding our Community Standards
  • You will have a unique opportunity to work with a diverse group of individuals, and to broaden your perspective and understanding
  • You will get to know students, faculty and staff who share a passion for helping maintain a campus community that is safe and supportive of its members
  • You will learn more about student development and resources available to support our students
  • You will gain skills and experience (critical thinking, interpersonal communication, leadership, civic engagement, ethics) that may make you more competitive when applying for a job or graduate school

What are the requirements for membership in the Community Hearing Board?

All Community Hearing Board members are required to:

  • Attend new member training and observe one hearing before being eligible to serve as a panel member
  • Attend and actively participate in at least one ongoing training session per semester
  • Maintain confidentiality of all matters discussed in conduct hearings
  • Be impartial and objective

Additionally, the following selection and service criteria apply to students:

  • Good disciplinary standing
  • Good academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA)
  • Sophomore standing (30+ completed credits)
  • Complete at least 1 semester at Salisbury University

Please contact Helena Brummitt, Assistant Dean of Students, at for additional information.